Avocado toast is truly quite versatile, each eater can personalize it as they choose. The canvass is of course your choice of toast and the avocado, and after that...to each their own. There are so may other ingredients that can make it new and exciting. This is my latest one.....

Avocado Toast with Radishes
serves 2
2 pieces of good quality rustic bread
30 g cream cheese
1 avocado
1-2 radishes
2 t chives
1 hard-boiled egg (cooked for 7 minutes)
2 t lemon juice
The bread here is very key, It has to be airy and light, yet having some seriously good structure and full flavor. Like a proper sourdough loaf (brown or white: it doesn't have to be a very sour version, but using these kinds of rustic or artisanal breads made from a "starter" makes for the best flavor. Period. End of sentence.)
In Holland we cut our own bread a lot, which allows us to determine the thickness of our piece of bread. That is handy in this meal. Cut it a little thicker than a normal bread slice. Toast it till it is golden brown. This helps maintain the crunch even after the cream cheese and avocado are on top of it.
Boil some water and cook your eggs for 7 minutes. If you like it more done it can go up to 10 minutes, but I like the yolk to not be fully cooked but also not runny for this dish. Somewhere in between.
Cut the radishes in VERY, wafer-thin slices. Once the toast is done, spread the cream cheese evenly between the two. Slice and smash 1/2 an avocado per toast. Lay the radishes on top however you choose. Then sprinkle with s&p and drizzle with the lemon juice. Peel & cut the egg in half, (be careful it will still be hot) lay it on top of the toast, add some cracked pepper & salt and sprinkle some chives. VOILÁ!